3 Things to Know About Cancer For Patients and Their Loved Ones
Cancer is scary - not only for the patient, but also for their friends and family. To better understand prevention methods and how to support someone going through cancer care, we spoke with Latorya Moore, an oncology nurse practitioner at Johnston Health. Here’s what we learned:
1. Reduce your risk of cancer by practicing cancer prevention.
You can reduce the likelihood of getting various types of cancer through a variety of ways such as:
- Exercising. The American Cancer Society recommends 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week and, of that, 75 to 100 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week.
- Eating a balanced diet. Create meals consisting of fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Also consider limiting your intake of red and processed meats, carbohydrates and sweets.
- Wearing sunscreen. Wear sunscreen that is at least SPF 30 when in the sun to reduce risk of skin cancer.
- Limiting your alcohol and tobacco use. Limit alcohol consumption to one drink or fewer per day for women and two drinks or fewer per day for men. It is also recommended to avoid tobacco products including e-cigarettes and chewing tobacco.
- Getting screened. Getting regularly screened for different cancers can help catch it early, which increases your likelihood of recovery.
2. Support your loved ones through small, helpful tasks.
When one of your loved ones is battling cancer, it can often be difficult to know how you can support them. However, there are a variety of ways you can help. At doctor’s visits, you can be an advocate by taking notes or asking the doctor questions, and providing transportation to and from appointments. You can also offer child care, cook nutritious meals, provide emotional support, or talk to them about spiritual or respite care.
3. Those undergoing cancer treatment can get the COVID-19 vaccine.
This has been a concern for many families since the pandemic started. Our medical providers say it’s not only perfectly safe to get the vaccine, but they also strongly recommend it for all patients. However, we always recommend consulting with your doctor and/or oncologist before making personal health care decisions.
For vaccination sites in Johnston County and more COVID-19 vaccine information, visit https://www.johnstonnc.com/covid19/ .
Learn more about cancer care at Johnston Health here.